code logs -> 2022 -> Thu, 21 Apr 2022< code.20220420.log - code.20220422.log >
--- Log opened Thu Apr 21 00:00:51 2022
00:34 himi [] has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
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00:35 mode/#code [+o himi] by ChanServ
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01:45 Degi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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02:48 catalyst [] has quit [Connection closed]
04:55 Vorntastic [] has joined #code
04:55 mode/#code [+qo Vorntastic Vorntastic] by ChanServ
05:06 * macdjord encounters a <marquee> tag in the wild for the first time in years. (He hadn't realized modern browsers still implemented it~)
Yay, web 1.0
05:10 * McMartin deploys an animated Starfury gif declaring UNDER CONSTRUCTION
05:38 * Kizor writes HTML by hand
05:47 * McMartin too, though he then hands it to WordPress.
Kizor: I do that myself anytime I have to edit HTML.
Admittedly, this mostly consists of taking fics in various forms of auto-generated HTML and stripping out unwanted formatting. (No, I don't need double-spaced paragraphs implemented with <br> tags. No, I don't need every paragraph to specify line width. No, I don't need do-nothing <spans>. Just give me a plain series of <p> tags, plus <em> and <strong> where needed.)
05:52 * McMartin is old enough to remember <b> and <i>.
05:52 * Mahal also
Which WordPress *does not parse*, to my considerable irritation
~ semantic web ~
McMartin: <_< Honestly, I not only remember them but use them. Functionally identical, fewer characters to type.
Well, functionally identical with the caveat that pasting it into WordPress does not properly convert it; it treats them as garbage and strips them.
I suppose s/convert/absorb/
also ugh I am weeks behind on my next article
I find that a lot of modern html tools do a pretty decent job of making proper HTML, but i do have to go in and do some things sometimes
Like i was doing a leaderboard and so messing with the index of numbered lists
That, nobody does
I know some people who use <em> for dialogue emphasis and <i> for ship names and will argue that these are distinct things, the ship names are styled that way, not emphasized.
"The i element represents a span of text in an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase from another language, a thought, a ship name, or some other prose whose typical typographic presentation is italicized."
"The em element represents stress emphasis of its contents."
Straight from w3
I see my little "~ semantic web ~" thing was not properly communicated
It is precisely this attitude that I am ruefully acknowledging (a) won while (b) being utterly useless
09:04 catalyst [] has joined #code
13:24 Vorntastic [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
I (at least theoretically) use <em> for emphasis and <i lang=> for foreign-language terms.
14:20 Vorntastic [] has joined #code
14:20 mode/#code [+qo Vorntastic Vorntastic] by ChanServ
14:58 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
14:58 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
15:41 catalyst_ [] has joined #code
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16:29 Vorntastic [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
17:01 Emmy [] has joined #code
< simon_>
my colleague thinks that if you assign a value to a variable, the program will be slower.
< simon_>
so he tends to write very long lines with quite deeply nested expressions.
< simon_>
he was looking me over the shoulder and commented on a loop body where I did 'let left_child = ...;\nlet right_child = ...;\nfoo.combine(left_child, right_child);' saying "You know, I wrote that in one line." suggesting there was some merit to it.
< simon_>
so I looked at him, removed the linebreaks and said "I did too!" :-D
18:07 catalyst [] has joined #code
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I mean, I *guess* it could be slower but in realistic terms, probably not noticeably unless you have some tight real-time deadline to meet. (And then, of course, who's to say it's not automatically getting put in a variable behind the scenes anyway)
18:52 catalyst [] has joined #code
18:53 catalyst_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
Is your colleague named "Seb" by any chance?~
Your colleague has half-remembered a thing about 8-bit Microsoft-derived BASICs (and potentially some but not all others): in half-remembering it, he is also wrong~
Accessing a variable takes linear time based on the order in which the variables were declared, and declaring new variables after you've allocated a bunch of arrays is really expensive
what he has failed to realize is that it has to reparse the numbers every time so it's way faster to just put the number 23 in a variable named ZW call it ZW forever after!
~ science ~
(note: the above, while not *false*, is sarcasm. I would expect that if moving things in or out of constant variables measurably affected JS execution, JS minifiers would systematically do the thing that was faster while preserving size advantages.)
(I would *also* expect modern JITs to constant-fold and not respect the idea that local variables imply certain kinds of register assignments.)
19:51 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
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23:16 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
--- Log closed Fri Apr 22 00:00:53 2022
code logs -> 2022 -> Thu, 21 Apr 2022< code.20220420.log - code.20220422.log >

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