code logs -> 2016 -> Fri, 20 May 2016< code.20160519.log - code.20160521.log >
--- Log opened Fri May 20 00:00:29 2016
00:30 Derakon [] has joined #code
00:30 mode/#code [+ao Derakon Derakon] by ChanServ
01:46 himi [fow035@Nightstar-dm0.2ni.203.150.IP] has joined #code
01:46 mode/#code [+o himi] by ChanServ
03:11 Crossfire [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
< [R]>
I writting some code to automate D&D table lookups (for loot generation). The way it basically works is random number from 1-100, check against table. But the table could have some entries that come up on multiple values. I'm trying to figgure out what that cleanest way of coding that is.
I recall seeing "case 1 do X case 5 do Y etc" where for example 1-4 would go to X.
I forget the language.
I also recall seeing in another language "case 1 case 2 case 3 case 4 do X case 5 etc do Y"
each case statement being on a separate line, in both cases.
That is too code and not data enough
in the second case each case statement passing down until it reached the one with a do.
yeah, sorry.
< [R]>
That works yeah, but it's pretty ugly.
it probably depends on what language you're using.
thing goes (low, high, entry). You iterate the table for the thing s.t. low <= x <= high and that gives you your entry.
< [R]>
It's not a hard task, I just don't want to have giant functions, or unreadable functions (as I have a bunch of tables I want to get through)
...this is a little messy because you basically have to tell it twice for each boundary
I'd probably go "for X, if X <=10, Y; if X<=20, Z; etc"
or elseif, anyway
possibly: (width, entity); then you can go if x > width: x -= width; else: do_thin_with_entity
nested elseifs. not very elegant, perhaps, but it should work.
but yeah, you're looking for more elegance.
< [R]>
I could probably do something like: [[90, '3'], [60, '2'], [30, '1'], [0, '0']] for a table of: 0-29: 0; 30-59: 1, 60-89: 2, 90-100: 3. Code would just loop through until it rolled on or under the value.
You can tune widths so they add up to exactly 1, or you can as a first shot iterate over the entire thing.
and figure out the right scale for rand
03:38 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
Don't have to tell for each boundary
Hell, you can write a naieve one if you want
Data is a tuple: Top value, (ie, 1-5 is listed as '5') and your text as you see fit
check i = val; if no val, i++, loop
So if you roll a 3, it'll look for 3, then 4, then 5
This is terrible code but it demonstrates how simple you can get
< [R]>
Aye, I decided on something like that, but I don't need to do the increments
Some small amount of work of 'find the smallest value that is greater or equal to the random number generated" is sufficient
Yeah, I was mostly making it explicit for ease of comprehension
(A bit like I might explain sorting with bubble sort for sheer simplicity, but it's still a terrible idea)
03:43 Crossfire [] has joined #code
03:43 mode/#code [+o Crossfire] by ChanServ
04:14 Turaiel[Offline] [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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07:12 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
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08:07 himi [fow035@Nightstar-dm0.2ni.203.150.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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ErikMesoy: the iphone 5 acts 320px wide.
Typical modern site design takes into account varying screen sizes by rearranging objects according to browser width. Foundation and Bootstrap are popular; I prefer Foundation.
are popular libraries for doing this, that is
I don't know which one decides that you're on mobile if width < height, but I want to strangle them with their own intestines.
10:54 thalass_ [thalass@Nightstar-283.o7s.158.104.IP] has joined #code
... yeah
Neither of those
Anyone doing that should have their figgin roasted on a spike.
You can of course rearrange accordingly - landscape and portrait mode are available to media queries
But generally you should avoid that unless what you *really* want is for everything to fit above the fold.
I don't remeber running into Foundation before... that looks like it could be useful, thanks Vorn.
it's good stuff. If you already run a sass rig it's supposedly even better but I don't have the arsage to do that
11:30 catadroid [] has joined #code
11:31 * Vornicus hatadroids catadroid.
< catadroid>
Things I have done this week: nearly doubled the performance of our vector::push_back. Fixed a memory smashing bug in vector::insert when users were inserting aliased items
< catadroid>
I think I'm alright to think of myself as somewhat of an expert
11:32 * Vornicus gives catadroid a pointy purple hat with silver stars and moons on it.
I'm kind of surprised there's this kind of performance to be gleaned, really
catadroid: nice!
11:37 * TheWatcher eyes foundation some more, sighs vaguely at jquery
don't need it for layout; only for things that say js on there.
11:39 * TheWatcher nod
11:40 thalass_ [thalass@Nightstar-283.o7s.158.104.IP] has quit [[NS] Quit: erg adulthood]
(jquery is one of those frameworks I know and can use fine, but don't actually /like/; mootools' approach works so much better in my head, and I think makes for much cleaner code, but apparently I'm in a tiny minority so :/)
Yeah, jq has a huger install base, I've never actually seen mootools live
which kinda makes mootools hard to get into
11:46 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection closed]
11:51 Kindamoody|autojoin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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11:52 mode/#code [+o Kindamoody|autojoin] by ChanServ
< catadroid>
Yeah, I was surprised as well
< catadroid>
But it was following a generic insert path, which is an inherently slower operation
< catadroid>
(I was actually exaggerating slightly - it's more like 30% in the general case x))
< catadroid>
But still
30% is still significant
< catadroid>
12:50 gnolam_ [] has quit [A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.]
13:11 Emmy-zZz is now known as Emmy
God I love having a support guy on hand.
13:48 catadroid` [] has joined #code
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14:24 catadroid` is now known as catadroid
14:33 Crossfire [] has joined #code
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< catadroid>
Dammit visual studio just inline my code please
< [R]>
Reminds me of a few years back someone was bitching about MS' compiler not inlining 100 some-odd functions.
< [R]>
(Different functions)
< [R]>
Good to hear they've improved things.
< [R]>
17:05 Kindamoody|autojoin is now known as Kindamoody
< catadroid>
Eh, I wouldn't mind but i really want it to, even in debug
17:43 gizmore [] has joined #code
18:36 macdjord [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Where there's a whip! (Whup-CHA!) There's a way!]
19:08 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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20:23 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
20:24 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
20:42 catadroid` [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Bye]
20:45 thalass [thalass@Nightstar-283.o7s.158.104.IP] has joined #code
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21:21 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
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--- Log closed Sat May 21 00:00:45 2016
code logs -> 2016 -> Fri, 20 May 2016< code.20160519.log - code.20160521.log >

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