code logs -> 2009 -> Sat, 21 Mar 2009< code.20090320.log - code.20090322.log >
--- Log opened Sat Mar 21 00:00:51 2009
00:09 somnolence [~somnolenc@203.160.1.ns-3171] has quit [Client exited]
00:18 Attilla [] has quit [Quit: <Insert Humorous and/or serious exit message here>]
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01:26 AnnoDomini [] has quit [Quit: When the end is near, pants on the west rune, and step on the east.]
01:35 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
The more I think about it the more I realize how few games, exactly, make the water as rich a source of interesting stuff as the land.
Take for instance Metroid Prime 2. There's water, yes, but only in one area, and halfway through the area you get an item that makes water a non-issue.
The only game I can think of where it's "primarily" on land but has a water segment that's rich in itself is Total Annihilation with The Core Contingency added on.
< MyCatVerbs>
Some of the Zelda games do pretty okay.
< MyCatVerbs>
Surprisingly enough, Unreal does water sections rather well.
< MyCatVerbs>
I remember a UT99 mutator which filled the entire map with water, then spawned a handful of oxygen tanks at various places around the map. Heheheheh, that was wicked. :)
Vornicus: my Algorithms course.
I have to implement brute-force and Horspool substring search, then compare them.
03:45 * Vornicus wonders what horspool substring search is, hunts it up.
Gah. wikipedia is unhelpful, the sample code is not very clear and the stuff given is... gah.
04:10 gnolam [] has quit [Quit: Z?]
Basically, it's a substring searching algorithm that works like this:
- scan left to right
- compare characters of the substring and the text right to left
- if the match fails, determine how far to advance based on the character where the end of the substring would be; for example, if it doesn't occur in the substring at all, advance by the substring's length
- to avoid having to recompute this every time, before you start the search, you compute a map of (character => advancement distance) and use that (HLLs can just memoize the distance function, LLLs will probably use an array indexed by character value)
So essentially: we go "Well, this character doesn't belong at the end, so let's go forward until a place where this /would/ fit"
Then when it /does/ match you back up until you either find something that doesn't match (at which point you advance again according to the required distance), or match the string.
Is that right?
What do you mean by "back up"?
There's no backtracking.
back up as in go right to left in the search space, following along with the target string.
I don't consider that backing up, because the search pointer doesn't move, only the comparison pointer.
So how far forward do we move the search pointer when a comparison fails near the beginning of the substring?
04:42 ToxicFrog [~ToxicFrog@69.171.150.ns-11163] has quit [Operation timed out]
05:02 Syloqs-AFH [Syloq@Admin.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
07:11 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
07:33 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
07:51 Vornicus [Vornicus@Admin.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Quit: ]
09:12 Attilla [] has joined #code
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09:56 Rhamphoryncus [] has quit [Quit: Rhamphoryncus]
10:07 Netsplit Troika.TX.US.Nightstar.Net <-> DeepThought.NY.US.Nightstar.Net quits: KarmaBot, Tarinaky, @C_tiger, GeekSoldier, McMartin, @Derakon[AFK], Alek, somnolence
10:07 Attilla [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
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12:00 MyCatVerbs [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
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13:39 Reiver [~reaverta@Admin.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping Timeout]
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17:34 jk [~jk@210.212.173.ns-12539] has joined #code
< jk>
anybody ther?
17:37 jk [~jk@210.212.173.ns-12539] has left #code []
17:40 Attilla [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
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17:40 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
Impatient feller.
18:25 Attilla [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
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21:03 Attilla_ [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
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21:03 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
< GeekSoldier>
just a strange observation, but wouldn't it make sense for unary + to mean the equivelant to abs?
GeekSoldier: no.
< GeekSoldier>
how so?
what should +i mean?
for ocmplex numbers that is
< GeekSoldier>
< GeekSoldier>
I didn't take those into account.
22:49 Attilla [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
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22:50 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
22:50 Attilla [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
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22:52 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
--- Log closed Sun Mar 22 00:00:03 2009
code logs -> 2009 -> Sat, 21 Mar 2009< code.20090320.log - code.20090322.log >