code logs -> 2007 -> Sat, 27 Jan 2007< code.20070126.log - code.20070128.log >
--- Log opened Sat Jan 27 00:00:47 2007
01:15 ChalcyThesis [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
01:33 Chalcedon [] has joined #code
01:33 mode/#code [+o Chalcedon] by ChanServ
02:41 McMartin [] has quit [Quit: brb]
02:41 Reiver is now known as ReivOut
04:17 Chalcedon [] has quit [Quit: ]
04:58 Janus [] has joined #Code
05:25 MyCatSleeps [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
05:26 MyCatSleeps [] has joined #code
<Vornicus> I think I almost understand javascript!
<Derakon> I'm sorry!
07:35 Janus [] has quit [Quit: Good Luck~]
07:37 Mahal [] has quit [Quit: It's hard to be mad at someone who misses you while you're asleep. ]
07:41 Mahal [] has joined #Code
07:41 mode/#code [+o Mahal] by ChanServ
08:12 EvilDarkLord [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
[13:08:03] <ToxicFrog> This would be a nonissue were it not for the fact that windows lacks named pipes. <-- Windows has named pipes. They're just not kept in the filesystem.
08:20 EvilDarkLord [] has joined #code
< AnnoDomini>
The tubes have been filled! :P
08:25 MyCatSleeps is now known as MyCatVerbs
08:29 EvilDarkLord [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
08:34 You're now known as TheWatcher[afk]
08:38 EvilDarkLord [] has joined #code
08:42 Vornicus is now known as Vornicus-Latens
08:53 GeekSoldier [] has joined #code
09:11 Mahal is now known as MahalBEDD
09:20 ReivOut is now known as Reiver
09:53 Aunir_ [] has joined #code
09:54 GeekSoldier [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
09:59 Aunir_ is now known as GeekSoldier
10:26 MyCatVerbs is now known as MyCatHungers
10:47 EvilDarkLord [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
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11:02 gnolam [] has joined #Code
11:42 Reiver is now known as ReivZzz
12:31 ReivZzz [~reaverta@IRCop.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping Timeout]
13:10 MyCatHungers is now known as MyCatVerbs
Pi: windows has things it calls named pipes.
However, they behave like named sockets.
I've been over this before.
15:52 gnolam is now known as gnolam|away
16:01 EvilDarkLord [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
16:10 gnolam|away [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
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16:17 gnolam [] has joined #Code
...what's the difference?
16:29 ReivSLEP [~reaverta@IRCop.Nightstar.Net] has joined #Code
Vornicus-Latens: named pipes exist in the filesystem, don't need special system calls to access (ie, you can use standard file IO), and can't communicate between systems.
Nmaed sockets don't exist in the filesystem, need special system calls to access, and can communicate between different systems across the network.
The only difference between a windows named "pipe" and a TCP socket is that the former is identified by a netBIOS name and arbitrary string rather than an IP address and port number.
16:34 * MyCatVerbs ponders.
< MyCatVerbs>
ToxicFrog: could you solve your problem by hacking a feature into bash? Adding a builtin that sends some data to the named socket?
16:36 ReivSLEP [~reaverta@IRCop.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping Timeout]
17:30 AnnoDomini [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
17:35 AnnoDomini [] has joined #Code
18:36 ReivSLEP [~reaverta@IRCop.Nightstar.Net] has joined #Code
18:52 ReivSLEP [~reaverta@IRCop.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping Timeout]
18:53 You're now known as TheWatcher
21:41 timelady [] has joined #Code
21:44 MahalBEDD is now known as Mahal
22:03 You're now known as TheWatcher[T-2
22:03 You're now known as TheWatcher[T-2]
22:06 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
23:22 timelady [] has quit [Quit: run away! run away!]
23:32 ReivSLEP [~reaverta@IRCop.Nightstar.Net] has joined #Code
23:34 ReivSLEP is now known as Reiver
23:37 Reiver [~reaverta@IRCop.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping Timeout]
--- Log closed Sun Jan 28 00:00:47 2007
code logs -> 2007 -> Sat, 27 Jan 2007< code.20070126.log - code.20070128.log >