code logs -> 2021 -> Fri, 09 Apr 2021< code.20210408.log - code.20210410.log >
--- Log opened Fri Apr 09 00:00:43 2021
00:09 himi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
00:30 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection closed]
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01:40 JustBob [justbob@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
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< Yossarian>
i'm kinda stuck in my room because of a kidney stone, I've ssh'd into my desktop in my mum's room several doors down and I want to attach the open gnome terminal, they're tabbed
< Yossarian>
I suppose `reptyr` could help me do this
< Yossarian>
ah it lied to me saying reptyr wasn't in the repo
< Yossarian>
it's gnome terminal with three tabs
< Yossarian>
which is probably why reptyr is giving me a hard time doing it
`who` should list all the PTYs in use
< Yossarian>
i just want to attach to the terminal emulator and see if it finished its task
< Yossarian>
and give it another
You can cat a PTY
Oh wait, that doesn't do what I remember it doing
< Yossarian>
i'm in too much pain to figure it out and it isn't that important anyway, more important that I drink this water
Make sure when it's empty you make it another water and drink that one
Then repeat
< Yossarian>
but do you understand what I'm trying to do? I was physically at the machine earlier and it has terminal emulators open and I want to attach them to my present over ssh
02:47 * [R] hasn't attempted to do that before
< Yossarian>
last month I was talking about something like this and I looked into it and that's how reptyr got installed on my laptop... I forget the 'how'
< Yossarian>
if I instead locally launched one instance of the terminal emulator in screen or tmux then this wouldn't be an interesting exercise but not too important, something to fiddle with later
< Yossarian>
also the fact that there is `brltty` - refreshable braille display driver for Linux/Unix blows my mind
< Yossarian>
given that Unix and then Linux and all the little complexities... I bet there are a few blind or nearly blind Linux sysops out there that kick ass
< Yossarian>
also frens, don't get kidney stones - I've had EMTs and nurses (female ones) tell me that they've had kidney stones that were equal or worse than child birth... luckily only my first one was like that.
< Yossarian>
I woke up startled and I was in so much pain in my back I was touching my hand there looking for blood but there was none!
< Yossarian>
Because it felt like someone had literally stabbed me.
< Yossarian>
or shot me
< Mahal>
Kidney stones are, indeed, the Worst (TM)
< Yossarian>
I think I pee'd it out at high force before the EMTs came, I was holding onto the wall with both hands and my eyes closed everything went kinda purple-ish like when you close your eyes in the light or sunlight
< Yossarian>
one of my visits they caught a picture of the little fucker via x-ray I think it was
< Yossarian>
doctors never seem to want to use MRI machines, I know MRI time is valuble and they're expensive but I've never had one
< Yossarian>
my mother has a plethora of health problems :/ I got to see a V-Q scan, you breathe get injected with slightly radioisotopic material and they check for air bubbles
< Mahal>
I gather that the exit passage can be worse if you are equipped with a penis, as well
04:15 FlowersByIrene [NSkiwiirc@Nightstar-q77.ak7.9.154.IP] has joined #code
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06:07 FlowersByIrene [NSkiwiirc@Nightstar-q77.ak7.9.154.IP] has quit [[NS] Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
06:16 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
07:02 himi [] has joined #code
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< abudhabi>
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I've got a CLI tool written in PHP that gets called from a web application via exec('cli_tool ... &'); >_< so, if cli_tool crashes, it has 'catch (\Throwable $e) { log(...) }', but since some errors in PHP can't be caught, I can only think of wrapping cli_tool in another program that runs exec(), checks the exit code, and logs if the exit code is negative. when do I stop this train?
Are you wanting to just ignore the crash?
Would fork-and-die help here?
13:51 catalyst_ [catalyst@Nightstar-h1h.akn.26.2.IP] has joined #code
Alternatively, can you have something proper launch your script, like cron or a service manager?
13:52 catalyst [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
BBL: commute
sometimes the web app launches the exec('cli_tool ... &') and sometimes it's a cronjob.
13:53 catalyst [] has joined #code
I'm not sure what you mean by whether fork-and-die will help. I want to catch any stdout/stderr and pipe it to a logger. I could do that by writing exec('wrapper cli_tool ... &') where wrapper has its own try-catch so that if cli_tool crashes irrecoverably, a log message is still sent despite cli_tool not reaching its catch.
13:55 catalyst_ [catalyst@Nightstar-h1h.akn.26.2.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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14:58 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
14:58 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
15:08 Alek [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
15:11 Alek [] has joined #code
Fair enough
18:11 Emmy [] has joined #code
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23:07 catalyst [] has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
23:18 Alek [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:20 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
23:23 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:49 Alek [] has joined #code
--- Log closed Sat Apr 10 00:00:44 2021
code logs -> 2021 -> Fri, 09 Apr 2021< code.20210408.log - code.20210410.log >

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