code logs -> 2021 -> Thu, 04 Feb 2021< code.20210203.log - code.20210205.log >
--- Log opened Thu Feb 04 00:00:24 2021
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--- Log closed Thu Feb 04 00:38:31 2021
--- Log opened Thu Feb 04 00:38:37 2021
00:38 TheWatcher [chris@GlobalOperator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
00:38 Irssi: #code: Total of 26 nicks [16 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal]
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today: fixing PHPUnit tests on an expired PhpStorm (IDE) that closes every 30 minutes, on a MacBook Air that randomly disconnects me from the interwebs every 2 hours.
upside: I learn which unit tests secretly connect to the internet when they're not supposed to, so I get to mark them as problematic. and I somehow work harder when I know that I have to restart the IDE sooner.
I don't know what I saw in all this FOSS when shareware on legacy hardware provides this kind of user experience!
re-running the test suite so many times and gradually marking test units to skip also taught me that the test order is non-deterministic.
ND test order is pretty common (lots of test harnesess will run the tests in parallel if they can, for example) and even desireable (since it's more likely to expose issues where one test has an implicit dependency on state left lying around by a different test, which *shouldn't* be possible in principle but sometimes is)
< catalyst>
aye, many test frameworks will deliberately change the order each run
Uh, _why_ are you doing that to yourself?
TheWatcher, I joined a company with a test suite that is best described as an overgrown backyard with rusty refridgerators, half tractors and wild animal nests. I decided to clean it up, because I need to run unit tests before I feel comfortable merging something. :-D nobody is challenging me, and it feels kinda nice.
once the 4-5 fatal errors were removed, it had a 31% success for 600 tests. what's amazing here is that the number 31% is consistent. so no wildly non-deterministic tests detected yet!
I think that test suite describes most company test suites~
my old employer had 50k tests running in parallel on a cluster so it took 5 minutes.
But I'm more wondering why you're using an expired phpstorm on a flakey macbook air, rather than... any alternative?
TheWatcher, the flakey macbook air: I was promised a MacBook Pro with an M1 that arrives on Monday, and I gladly accepted this crap machine if I can skip from i7 to M1 straight away :)
I didn't know this one had an i5 and too little RAM, though. right now I join the daily standup from my phone because, you know, connecting a screen, your earphones and going online is... a resource-intensive process!
the expired PhpStorm: the team I'm working on was just acquired by the larger company, and I'm the first hire after the merger. they come from "let's just crack it" and the buying company is "we'll buy what you wanna use" -- and I don't want to use PhpStorm (which is a modified IntelliJ). I prefer VSCode. so today was the first day it expired, and I'm going to set up VSCode with devcontainers so that the
Docker environment can run from there instead of inside PhpStorm. so while I'm working on the unit test suite, PhpStorm has better test integration, and on the side, I'm working on a similarly adequate setup with VSCode.
apparently the PHP community is a little behind on setting up these things, so PhpStorm is unrivalled in that it can actually run PHPUnit inside Docker, export the whatever-XML-format test results, and apply them to the IDE testing UI (you know, the thing that provides a little icon next to each unit test based on whether it succeeded or failed). I have not tried to do that in VSCode, and I doubt it's
advanced as far.
I normally just run tests in the terminal.
IntelliJ is awesome but sooo slow. I think that's generally what people don't like about Visual Studio. with a beefy enough computer, I don't experience that in Visual Studio. but I do experience it in IntelliJ. it just isn't fast.
I just don't have any tolerance for latency in my own tools.
14:14 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
14:14 mode/#code [+o celticminstrel] by ChanServ
Yeah, IntelliJ has... definite speed issues IME too.
VSCode, however, is blazing. and they seem to have good "project/workspace" support for arbitrary language environments.
so, say, boot it up with Haskell and even without specialized plugins, the experience is good. and then in some cases, it goes up one, two or three notches.
I used Vim 1997-2012, Emacs 2012-2020, and VSCode 2020-now :) I still use Vim a lot, though.
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17:41 ErikMesoy1 is now known as ErikMesoy
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18:01 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
since PHPUnit doesn't have a @skip (it does have $this->markTestSkipped()), I've marked broken tests temporarily skipped by writing
@requires PHP > 9000
which is a Dragon Ball Z reference that my closest boss actually gets :-D
< abudhabi>
The Y9k problem.
yeah, this code will be redundant when PHP 9000.0 releases. they're at 8.0 now, though, so I hope we'll have migrated since.
19:57 Reiv [] has joined #code
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< abudhabi>
sshine, at end of life, signs up for cryonics. Unexpectedly, wake-up happens in the year 9000. "Why have I been revived now?" "It's the year 9000 and you know PHP."
9000 will be the next version just for spite
< abudhabi>
Nah, it'll just be some quirk of PHP 9 to evaluate that @requires statement as true.
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Numeric comparisons now compare against all prefixes as well
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21:15 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
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22:29 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection closed]
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23:52 mode/#code [+o Reiv] by ChanServ
--- Log closed Fri Feb 05 00:00:25 2021
code logs -> 2021 -> Thu, 04 Feb 2021< code.20210203.log - code.20210205.log >

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