code logs -> 2019 -> Fri, 08 Nov 2019< code.20191107.log - code.20191109.log >
--- Log opened Fri Nov 08 00:00:24 2019
00:25 Emmy [] has joined #code
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01:17 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection closed]
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03:10 Alek [] has quit [NickServ (RECOVER command used by Omega)]
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03:13 himi [] has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
04:07 Reiv [] has quit [[NS] Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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06:33 mode/#code [+qo Vorntastic Vorntastic] by ChanServ
08:50 mac [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Deep inside, every housecat believes themself to be just a temporarily embarrassed tiger.]
09:47 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
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14:01 Reiv [] has joined #code
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15:14 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
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17:09 Emmy [] has joined #code
<&[R]> <-- of possible interest?
18:10 Kimo|autojoin [] has joined #code
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The final version of the query, with all macros expanded, is 104 lines.
That is a pretty beefy query for routine work :)
I think the meanest query I ever did was a thing that -- and I grant now that this was kind of a dumb way to do it -- figured out what notifications a user should get on a social network type thing
20:28 * Reiver tries to decide between the six-level subquery monster and the Abomination they're still working with at work. Is not very happy with that one, but welp
It is, if you were to combine the three layes of views, approximately eight hundred lines long and involving at least seven subqueries ¬¬
Most of these layers exist because we were not allowed in the context to do the /sensible/ thing which would be just to break out TSQL and start declaring a shedload of variables, then start combinatoring them together as appropriate for the higher level registers, nooo, it had to be pure, no exceptions, SQL, so we alias things together then glom them at the next level up, etc etc etc killmenow
I love views. they are my best friend
Sadly a lot of exporters *suck ass* at keeping them together
Yes :/
<&[R]> <-- I forget who, but someone here will find this of use
21:39 Kimo|autojoin [] has joined #code
21:39 mode/#code [+o Kimo|autojoin] by ChanServ
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21:44 Kimo|autojoin [] has joined #code
21:44 mode/#code [+o Kimo|autojoin] by ChanServ
21:44 Kimo|autojoin is now known as Kindamoody
21:44 KiMo|autorejoin [] has joined #code
21:44 mode/#code [+o KiMo|autorejoin] by ChanServ
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21:44 mode/#code [+o Kimo|autojoin] by ChanServ
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21:46 Kimo|autojoin [] has quit [Client exited]
22:03 Vorntastic [uid293981@Nightstar-2dc.p8m.184.192.IP] has joined #code
22:04 mode/#code [+qo Vorntastic Vorntastic] by ChanServ
Reiver: it is beefy, and it takes like 8-10s to run
But it will save a lot of manual work
Tell it at least two of when the problem appeared at single-task, single-cell, and global scope, optionally give it a search window if you think the problem might have taken a while to manifest after a configuration push, and it gives you a list of suspect experiment IDs and what servers they affect.
I've named it 'whodunnit'.
(in addition to the 104 lines of SQL -- less than that on disk, I think, but there's a lot of macroexpansion going on -- there's a bunch of bash wrapped around it to provide nicer UX)
22:54 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:12 Derakon [] has joined #code
23:12 mode/#code [+ao Derakon Derakon] by ChanServ
Allow me to rant for a bit. I'll tell you when I'm done.
I'm trying to add button prompts to my game. These will show up in the middle of text. Fortunately, TextMesh Pro (the standard text display utility in Unity) allows you to embed sprites using special tags.
TextMesh Pro (Hereon abbreviated to TMP) requires your sprites to be in a sprite atlas to do this -- basically a single image that contains a bunch of sub-images. Reasonable enough for performance reasons...
I have 504 sprites.
Because there's one for each input type for a whole bunch of different controllers.
I can pack them into texture atlases and get metadata out saying "OK, I put the XBox 360 "A" button at this position", using tools like Free Texture Packer.
...Unity does not have any idea how to read that data. When you set up a texture atlas in Unity, you use its tools to "slice" the atlas into individual images.
It can either do a grid slice (e.g. every image is 100x100, there's 6x5 cells, just chop them up), or automatic (it uses transparency to detect individual sprites and lassos them for you).
Free Texture Packer does not AFAICT have a "arrange these images in a grid layout" mode, and its automatic layout does not precisely match the automatic detection that Unity provides.
In any case, I have no way to automatically populate TMP's knowledge of where different sprites are.
It has a custom "asset" (a.k.a. YAML file) that says "this sprite is at this position with this size, and I'm giving it this auto-generated name".
So AFAICT I need to write a program that will take the metadata output by Free Texture Packer, read the YAML used by TMP, do a fuzzy match on position and size, and assign the correct name to each sprite that TMP knows about.
All so that I can automatically generate text to say "Press [XBox 360 A button] to pick up a part."
There, I think that's it.
23:34 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
--- Log closed Sat Nov 09 00:00:26 2019
code logs -> 2019 -> Fri, 08 Nov 2019< code.20191107.log - code.20191109.log >

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