code logs -> 2019 -> Wed, 28 Aug 2019< code.20190827.log - code.20190829.log >
--- Log opened Wed Aug 28 00:00:04 2019
00:39 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection closed]
01:45 celmin|away is now known as celticminstrel
I'm guessing the latter, for moving or rotating objects within a scene.
02:21 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
02:32 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has quit [Connection closed]
02:34 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has joined #code
02:34 mode/#code [+ao VirusJTG VirusJTG] by ChanServ
< Pink>
Reiver, imagine you have a scene hierarchy with a few hundred objects and you want to be able to quickly jump to a couple of things that you are actively working on
< Pink>
Especially when it is something hard to click on or that might be far offscreen
makes sense
< Pink>
What doesn't make sense is them not documenting it very well... but that is a typical unity issue. A lot of things are much easier than you'd think from having to wade through fifty google results, half of which are quietly depreciated.
04:22 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
07:36 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
08:15 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|afk
08:47 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
08:47 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
09:07 Reiv [NSkiwiirc@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
Pink: only half?~
IME it's more like half are deprecated, a third are for things that've been removed or renamed completely, and of the remainder most are missing a vital step to make something work >.>
< Pink>
Yeah. Like that big row they had when they removed OnSceneLoaded() a couple years back, breaking every project ever.
10:34 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has quit [[NS] Quit: Leaving]
10:34 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has joined #code
10:34 mode/#code [+ao VirusJTG VirusJTG] by ChanServ
< Pink>
I mean, three years later it still /works/ but unity aggressively passive aggressively tells you that you shouldn't use it because they really will actually remove it some day.
< Pink>
They didn't actually put the depreciation in the patch notes, just let people discover it from the unhelpful error messages.
< Pink>
I dunno about now but as of the start of the year they hadn't gotten around to describing the new right way in the docs.
What /is/ the right new way? I'm going to have to learn scenes soon. (I assume scenes are how one loads/unloads levels, as it were)
13:43 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
13:43 mode/#code [+o celticminstrel] by ChanServ
14:02 celticminstrel is now known as celmin|away
16:16 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening]
17:03 Emmy [] has joined #code
17:17 gnolam [] has joined #code
17:17 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
17:41 Kindamoody|afk [] has quit [Operation timed out]
17:43 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
18:17 Kindamoody|afk [] has joined #code
18:17 mode/#code [+o Kindamoody|afk] by ChanServ
18:26 Kindamoody|afk [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
18:28 Kimo|autojoin [] has joined #code
18:28 mode/#code [+o Kimo|autojoin] by ChanServ
18:30 Kimo|autojoin [] has quit [Client exited]
< Pink>
The right way is to use a delegate, as the docs and error messages will helpfully tell you.
< Pink>
Enjoy the fifty pages of google results arguing over what that means, when it is actually like an extra two lines of code you need to add.
< Pink>
You add void OnEnable(){SceneManager.sceneLoaded += YourFunctionNameHere;} and a matching void OnDisable(){SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;}
< Pink>
er, void OnDisable(){SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= YourFunctionNameHere;}
< Pink>
And then it will call the function more or less when you'd expect, assuming it doesn't break
20:35 Degi [] has joined #code
21:20 Pinkhair [] has joined #code
21:23 Pink [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
22:02 Reiv [] has joined #code
22:02 mode/#code [+o Reiv] by ChanServ
22:38 Degi [] has quit [Connection closed]
22:44 Kimo|autojoin [] has joined #code
22:44 mode/#code [+o Kimo|autojoin] by ChanServ
22:46 Kimo|autojoin is now known as Kindamoody
22:50 himi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:28 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection closed]
23:29 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:41 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
--- Log closed Thu Aug 29 00:00:06 2019
code logs -> 2019 -> Wed, 28 Aug 2019< code.20190827.log - code.20190829.log >

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