code logs -> 2018 -> Tue, 28 Aug 2018< code.20180827.log - code.20180829.log >
--- Log opened Tue Aug 28 00:00:37 2018
00:16 macdjord|wurk is now known as macdjord
00:29 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
00:29 mode/#code [+o celticminstrel] by ChanServ
00:40 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has quit [Connection closed]
00:43 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has joined #code
00:43 mode/#code [+ao VirusJTG VirusJTG] by ChanServ
00:57 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
03:35 Pink [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
04:08 Degi [] has quit [Connection closed]
04:55 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: KABOOM! It seems that I have exploded. Please wait while I reinstall the universe.]
04:59 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
05:39 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
05:39 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
05:44 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
05:50 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has quit [Connection closed]
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07:12 himi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
07:18 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
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09:29 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
09:29 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
09:34 * TheWatcher headdesks
I swear I'm the only fucking developer in this institution who keeps production and development and testing separate
09:42 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
10:39 Degi [] has joined #code
10:44 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: ADVENTURE]
11:16 Emmy [] has joined #code
13:41 macdjord is now known as macdjord|wurk
14:35 * Vornicus fights with the dual thingy. Hate geometry again.
15:09 Degi [] has quit [Connection closed]
Okay. issues currently arise because there's two edges that don't have twins.
The reason they don't have twins is that they encompass the entire universe.
The solution is obviously to make a larger universe around the universe~
15:38 * Alek looks at Exapunks...
is that pseudo-Assembly?
I can technically twin them with each other but tbh I have no idea at all what that would do.
Try it and see? >.>
(As long as you don't inadvertently destroy the universe, we're fine!)
...though to be fair I should probably crush some of these other problems as well. Looks like I'm getting points in the dual that aren't points for one thing
Ok: one of the big issues is that, when generating the dual I have to collect these infinitely distant points; this means, because all points in the dual have corresponding faces, that the distant faces are necessary in the original delaunay triangulation; this, I cannot avoid.
Putting the two fully-distant edges as twins of one another has done ... something terrible, honestly, and I'm not sure how or what it means: I have a point that appears 3 times in the 11-gon around this point, and I don't even know if it's a valid 11-gon
it is not, the repeated point is not actually a point but the vestigial point that is created for the false face. ... That's not enough though, and I certainly shouldn't be getting *that* many
17:52 Degi [] has joined #code
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18:45 Emmy [] has joined #code
Alek: Yes. So is TIS-100, and so is Shenzhen I/O, by the same developer.
Zachtronics games are generally always resource constraint puzzles in programming-puzzle guise.
What would a programming-puzzle be instead of those?
Ugh. I don't even have a good idea of what it's doing in there.
...nor what it *should* be doing, really
Like, it looks like it should work for non-special cases, but the fact of the existence of the special cases in *every* mesh makes it so I have to make sure the special cases actually work or it won't even get that far!
but making the special cases work means figuring out what it should be doing in that case and ...honestly I'm stuck here. I don't see a way out at all.
[R]: They are usually problems about making something "physically" go places
TIS-100 for instance is a web of very weak parallel processors and a lot of the skill of the game is in using the communications web between processors as extra registers or timing controls
The first Zachtronics game that really made it big was SpaceChem, where the physical transport of components is a key aspect of it
ugh. Okay. Do one out by hand, figure out what I'm up against.
20:25 M-E [] has joined #code
20:27 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
<~Vornicus> aaaaaaaaaaaa
answer: make sure your things actually have the right meta table
OK, that *does8 look like a proper Vornonoi and not the dual
There's something weird about the black regions on the edges though, they seem to have two points each usually
The black regions do not have the regions drawn
Because they extend to infinity. Next up is to do clipping on those
21:41 * McMartin nods
I also think I espy a couple places where the color selection algorithm has gone wrong
Color selection is 100% random
I pick a random rgb with each component 0.25 to 1
then yeah, some birthday paradoxes or close to them
Very nearly yes, like around the top right thirds corner I see one right off
The ones jumping out at me were in the lower left
Anyway, your like implies there's a Vornonoi discord out there
I linked it to the Love2d discord
Next up: clipping
aha, makes sense
21:47 * McMartin fires up the Exapunks soundtrack as he begins tearing apart a ton of code he didn't write
Did something in particular motivate this Voronoi project, or is it just that Voronoi diagrams are awesome
21:51 * McMartin has to admit that he'd probably implement such a generator with a raster-scan algorithm >_>
someone was talking about how they wanted to do a thing with random terrain generation except they wanted biomes to have reasonably well defined regions
I mentioned voronoi diagrms, and then realized I'd never actually built them
And then mathsniped to do it right/
And then I claimed a workshop and demanded bonobo leather
IIRC it was the nobles who demanded ~= bonobo leather trousers =`
it's a little complicated
"nobles" is often used casually about useless dwarves demanding ¤stupid crap¤, but technically speaking, the Hammerer and Dungeon Master are nobles and don't issue demands for ~bismuth barrels~
all sorts of dwarves can claim workshops to start Mysterious Constructions, and then they'll want generic things like "leather" or "glass"
Yeah, I mean, the obvious referent in this particular case is that the Voronoi Diagram code is the result of a "fey mood'
22:53 Reiv [] has joined #code
22:53 mode/#code [+o Reiv] by ChanServ
23:19 M-E [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
--- Log closed Wed Aug 29 00:00:38 2018
code logs -> 2018 -> Tue, 28 Aug 2018< code.20180827.log - code.20180829.log >

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