code logs -> 2017 -> Fri, 21 Jul 2017< code.20170720.log - code.20170722.log >
--- Log opened Fri Jul 21 00:00:31 2017
00:35 Vorntastic [] has quit [Connection closed]
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00:42 Reiv [] has quit [[NS] Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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00:48 mode/#code [+o Reiv] by ChanServ
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01:14 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
01:48 RchrdB [RchrdB@Nightstar-qe9.aug.187.81.IP] has quit [[NS] Quit: Leaving]
02:28 Jessikat [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Leaving]
From a review-of-sorts of Solidity, the language baked into the cryptocurrency Ethereum: "Everything is 256 bits wide, including the "byte" type. This means that whilst byte[] is valid syntax, it will take up 32x more space than you expect. Storage space is extremely limited in Solidity programs. You should use "bytes" instead which is an actual byte array. The native 256-bit wide primitive type is called "bytes32" but the actual 8-bit wide
byte type is called "int8"."
"For loops are completely broken. Solidity is meant to look like JavaScript but the literal 0 type-infers to byte, not int. Therefore "for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i ++) { a[i] = i; }" will enter an infinite loop if a[] is longer than 255 elements, because it will wrap around back to zero. This is despite the underlying VM using 256 bits to store this byte. You are just supposed to know this and write "uint" instead of "var"."
"In some situations, the optimizer replaces certain numbers in the code with routines that compute different numbers."
"Types shorter than 32 bytes are packed together into the same 32 byte storage slot, but storage writes always write 32 bytes. For some types, the higher order bytes were not cleaned properly, which made it sometimes possible to overwrite a variable in storage when writing to another one."
02:36 Jessikat [] has joined #code
What kind of moron would invent a programming language /and/ a cryptocurrency and then tie them together?
Someone who decided the only way to properly implement their cryptocurrency was to have a domain-specific language, presumably.
So, a moron?
A moron with a $20 billion market cap.
. . . seriously?
That's just the value of each "coin" times the number in circulation - the actual real world value would be far less
It's still stupid, though
How the hell could something with those kinds of flaws end up seeing that level of use?
I mean, you're familiar with the average quality level of production code, right? >.>
I work daily with OpenStack - I'm familiar with /below/ average quality production code
Well then, you know that it's not whether the implementation is good, just whether it achieves the desired goals without causing too much damage en route.
I mean, look at PHP.
Damn thing practically drove Web 2.0.
It drove people away from it to a large extent, as alternatives came along that sucked less
But yes, I know what you mean
I'd have thought the existence of bitcoin with such a large head start would have made it harder for something totally stupid to get a solid base
But then, I guess cryptocurrency is such an ideological field that it inherently attracts people with b0rked judgement
The goal of Ethereum is to enslave people by contract to the whims of computer overlords, with the expectation that this means that hackers can enter contracts that mean they get all the money, oh ho ho ho ho
There was in fact an Ethereum-based investment scheme that mysteriously decided to start "investing" everyone's money in one participant's pockets, basically
And the other members of the scheme were so far gone there was actual debate amongst them regarding whether or not they had been defrauded
Ah, I've heard of that one, though I'd forgotten the name
One of many cases where the lolbertarian tendencies of a lot of techies turned around and bit them
< Vorntastic>
Hooray Dunning-Krugerrand
< Vorntastic>
"I'd have thought the existence of bitcoin with such a large head start would have made it harder for something totally stupid to get a solid base"
have you seen bitcoin
03:51 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
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03:52 Turaiel[Offline] is now known as Turaiel
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04:32 Vorntastic [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
05:08 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
05:17 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
07:13 Turaiel is now known as Turaiel[Offline]
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07:57 Vornlicious [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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08:31 Vorntastic [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Bye]
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<Dr_Cain> Lol Poettering
08:33 Vornlicious [] has joined #code
08:35 Vorntastic [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
[R]: ... because it's not like there aren't dozens of actual, proper public time servers out there.
I know right?
10:49 Vornlicious [] has quit [Connection closed]
10:56 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
11:28 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Z?]
14:26 Jessikat [] has joined #code
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19:04 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
19:04 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
19:58 Jessikat` [] has quit [Connection closed]
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22:41 Reiv [] has quit [[NS] Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
22:42 RchrdB [RchrdB@Nightstar-qe9.aug.187.81.IP] has joined #code
23:08 Alek [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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23:12 mode/#code [+o Alek] by ChanServ
23:34 Jessikat` [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Bye]
--- Log closed Sat Jul 22 00:00:32 2017
code logs -> 2017 -> Fri, 21 Jul 2017< code.20170720.log - code.20170722.log >

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