code logs -> 2016 -> Mon, 17 Oct 2016< code.20161016.log - code.20161018.log >
--- Log opened Mon Oct 17 00:00:04 2016
00:11 gnolam_ [] has joined #code
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00:13 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
00:13 gnolam_ is now known as gnolam
00:13 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
00:16 KiMo|autorejoin [] has joined #code
00:18 Kindamoody[zZz] [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
things I have discovered, writing a pokemon save file editor: the list of characters includes single entries for an apostrophe followed by a letter, so the "'s" in "it's" is a single glyph.
01:49 ion [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
02:07 ion [] has joined #code
02:07 mode/#code [+o ion] by ChanServ
02:26 catadruid [] has joined #code
02:28 catadroid [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:10 mac is now known as macdjord
04:13 Derakon [] has joined #code
04:14 mode/#code [+ao Derakon Derakon] by ChanServ
04:43 gizmore [] has quit [[NS] Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria]
04:43 gizmore [] has joined #code
05:05 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
05:22 * Vornicus gets tired of data entry, decides to see if the data he wants is uncompressed.
What mad scheme are you undertaking here
sounds like something to do with a pokemon save file editor.
probably making dropdowns filled with prefilled entries.
like Pokemon names and moves.
and items.
Indeed. So right now I'm going into pokemon blue and seeing if I can find the pokemon data. knowing the code page helps, I've found two entries that say "BULBASAUR" in the crazy moon encoding
found what appears to be a names bin. Looks like the data is parcelled out in several places.
There's stat values. Other stuff in between adjacent stat values. -- this is very strange. Each pokemon has two ID numbers: the pokedex number (bulbasaur is 1, ivysaur is 2, etc etc), and the "species index" which if you've tried to do the missingno glitch you know all about
and the names from what I can see are in species index order, and the stats are in pokedex order.
06:08 * Vornicus finds the mapping from species index to pokedex.
07:16 KiMo|autorejoin is now known as Kindamoody
07:25 * Vornicus gets back to it, finds the basic data for pokemon, including base stats, catch rate (which I need to store in the savegame for some reason), TM flags, types, and other stuff -- not the by-level movelist though, that's going to be interesting to find.
One way your Pokemon can gain powers is by using Training Machines on them
I bet you need to store it in the savegame because they're just blitting out all the structs
The TM flags determine which such machines may be used on which pokemon.
Doesn't look like it's actually blitted out. you have ...two pieces, one three bytes wide, one four, that come from the base stats data that enter the save.
07:32 * McMartin dunno then
The three byte structure is fully redundant, too -- it's the primary and secondary types, and the catch rate, of the pokemon in question. I don't know why they do that at all. Later games in the series use the saved "catch rate" value as the "held item" value
What tools are you using to perform your vivisection?
Right now I'm running hxd, but I'm putting my findings as I go into a python script.
emulator savestate file as the raw material?
This data is actually the cartridge rom
I've also got the battery save file.
Is this Z80 or ARMv4?
You know I've never written z80
Or 68k
07:43 * McMartin wonders
I guess PPC's the only other chip I've used
So now I'm going through and trying to build what I think the level-up moveset data should look like for bulbasaur. (each pokemon, at certain level thresholds, gains a new power; powers have IDs of course, so I'm expecting either level-power-level-power-level-power
or power-level-power-level-power-level
07:51 macdjord is now known as macdjord|slep
(it's level-power)
08:16 catadruid [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Bye]
08:24 * Vornicus discovers that the evolution data is interleaved. Is not yet certain how to interpret the evolution data fully.
08:25 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|afk
08:36 * Vornicus thinks he's figured out the evolution data. Now he has: pokemon names, base stats, types, catch rates, TM flags, learnsets, evolutions... hm. move names are also needed.
08:43 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
09:07 * Vornicus finds move names and item names.
think that's all I need.
why on earth did they pick 0x50 as the string terminator anyway, that's silly.
(better still, why are the pokemon names set into a constant-width array of strings that sometimes don't have terminators and the item and move names a list of terminator-separated variable-width strings.)
Because different programmers follow different standards?
all of seven programmers on the whole team. big, for a game boy game, honestly
seven programmers sounds very notorious, too.
like seven samurai.
THis is the first time in a loooooong while I've used hexadecimal literals.
09:49 * abudhabi feels like some sort of serious haxxor every time he connects to the home server via SSH, then SSH's from there to the laptop.
10:10 Emmy [] has joined #code
10:10 mode/#code [+o Emmy] by ChanServ
10:32 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
10:44 Tarinaky [] has joined #code
10:44 mode/#code [+o Tarinaky] by ChanServ
12:12 catadroid [] has joined #code
abudhabi, I go on IRC from work like that, so it makes me feel like a slacker.
simon: I've got IRC one hop less, on a public-facing shell account.
< catadroid>
C++17 is a very accurate example of Greenspun's tenth rule in action
< catadroid>'s got apply(f, args) in it
< catadroid>
So only half of the eval/apply loop to go, then
catadroid, heh.
13:23 gizmore [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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13:53 gnolam [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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14:00 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
14:47 macdjord|slep is now known as macdjord|wurk
15:26 catadruid [] has joined #code
15:29 catadroid [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
15:35 catadruid is now known as catadroid
15:40 * abudhabi feels like he's doing surgery with a brick.
Trying to get a wordpress website display nicely in different browsers and resolutions.
Welcome to my hell
abudhabi: you are entering a nightmare world from which there is no waking
I don't suppose you've seen any puzzle cubes around
17:24 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
17:24 mode/#code [+o celticminstrel] by ChanServ
17:32 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
17:32 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
18:07 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: KABOOM! It seems that I have exploded. Please wait while I reinstall the universe.]
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18:07 mode/#code [+o celticminstrel] by ChanServ
18:48 catadruid [] has joined #code
18:48 catadroid [] has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
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20:02 Mango [] has left #code []
so there's a guy named pannenkoek on youtube. he does highly technical super mario 64 stuff. In particular, he's the guy behind the 0x A presses run attempt. But he's also got videos that describe, for instance, the different schemes critters use to *blink*.
21:00 * gnolam is going to take a wild guess that that means "pancake" in Dutch.
... yep
Ah, Dutch.
21:56 catadroid [] has joined #code
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21:59 Kindamoody|afk is now known as Kindamoody
21:59 gizmore [] has quit [Operation timed out]
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22:51 himi [] has quit [Connection closed]
23:11 catalyst [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Leaving]
23:12 catadruid [] has joined #code
23:12 catadroid [] has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
--- Log closed Tue Oct 18 00:00:20 2016
code logs -> 2016 -> Mon, 17 Oct 2016< code.20161016.log - code.20161018.log >

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