code logs -> 2016 -> Sun, 21 Feb 2016< code.20160220.log - code.20160222.log >
--- Log opened Sun Feb 21 00:00:24 2016
man. path mesh in lua tables format: 16kB
to be fair fully half of that is field titles. 55 items, each with 3-7 references to other items, 3-6 numbers, and two booleans.
I'm reminded of one of our automated tests at work.
It loads a data file, verifies the contents, saves the file, then re-loads it and verifies it again.
(Testing load/save logic)
The data file is 41MB uncompressed, or 100kB compressed.
< [R]>
I'm guessing it's mostly text to have that kind of compression.
Nah, that's Very Boring Images.
< [R]>
Derakon's thing?
english text only crushes down about 80%. images with very little in them - I just made one that's 1024x1024 but the only thing in it is the bottom half is black and the top half is white -- would be 3MB in standard bmp, but it's under 3kB as a png.
Then there's XML. :(
< [R]>
HTML and SVG are also the same.
those are, of course, also xml
< [R]>
HTML isn't.
SGML and XML have similar compression profiles, I would expect.
< [R]>
XML and HTML share an ancestor though.
(I'm also not kidding with under 3kB: 2,930 bytes, as saved from
(paths.lua, zipped, is 1,593 bytes. Structured data of this sort - with field tags, etc - compresses very well, but still not as well as boring images)
Derakon: Bah. 41MB down to 100kB? I once compressed 4 GB of logfiles into a 1 MB archive!
03:48 * Derakon readsup.
Yeah, those were TIFF images with some very large and repetitive metadata fields.
The actual images were 64x64 grayscale, with values varying sinusoidally, but they represent a vanishingly small portion of that 41MB.
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If that is considered success
I do still need to test this on real hardware
But I am being extremely unkind to a VIC-II there.
(This is that "16 colors in one character" trick from a while back, scaled up to the entire screen, or as much of it as can be rendered. It turns out there's a region at the bottom that can't.)
05:01 * McMartin walks over to the Commodore 128, pops the datacard out of its drive, hooks it into his laptop to transfer the programs over. HOW COOL IS THAT, SERIOUSLY.
05:07 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
Yep, all the results check out on real hardware, including the wacky anomaly
05:54 Crossfire [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
I can't wait to read this article
I've already reworked it like three times, since I'm turning into the thing I hated back when I started doing this
which is... some sort of demoscene magician, doing the old-school stuff in an old-school way and and not bringing in the new knowledge to show how it works?
More specifically, "assuming that everyone's totally internalized everything about the mechanics I'm exploiting"
I think the right way to go about this is to start with "let's do something fun" and not with "let's actually put the partial rescan trick to good use"
Then I'm thinking two articles: one for the single-character case, and then one where I expand that to the full screen.
... this is really The Last Trick
Everything else is being clever with the tricks you have.
06:17 * Vornicus args, fiddles with his data structure to make it a little less fraught to actually do things
Vornicus: Incidentally, the stack writeups are now updated through the present day
So, Axiom Verge and Ultima 1
06:22 * Vornicus then tries to figure out how to get the excel sheet to produce it that way.
06:24 * jerith tries to figure out how to write the tests he wants to write in F#.
Oh, are you using F# for a full-scale project?
06:24 * McMartin has never had the excuse, and has been curious about how it has evolved from its origins as a plaything of OCaml fans within MS.
I'm playing with it because I want to play with Unity3D but I don't really want C# or their JS variant.
I got as far as "follow a couple of blog posts to get some game objects drawn", then "set up a moderately sane dev environment", and now "write a maze generator so there's something to build a game around".
It's not really a full-scale project yet.
My experience with OCaml has left me able to write F# code pretty easily once I figure out what functions I want.
It's also left me somewhat unsatisfied with the standard libraries.
06:35 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
06:42 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
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07:58 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|afk
08:20 * McMartin starts writing a new Bumbershoot article.
Tentative opening sentence: "Man, it has been, like, five months since we've made an old computer do something that it was never intended to be able to do."
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McMartin: so, for future reference, the gazp7 is based on the Clevo W25AES chassis, which is also used in the Sager NP3260 and a few other things.
This makes it a lot easier to search for. Unfortunately it looks like Clevo never released any firmware updates for it.
Maybe I should just switch to syslinux or LILO~
Actually, the more I think about it the more appealing switching to syslinux is.
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< [R]>
Syslinux is god
< [R]>
Only issue I could see people having is lack of UEFI support. But that's coming.
< [R]>
It's almost as easy to install as lilo (IE: one command with a single argument) and easier to maintain that grub. Bonus points for sharing configuration format with isolinux and pxelinux (due to them being part of the same project).
17:02 Kindamoody|afk is now known as Kindamoody
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Whee! I have my F# Unity3D maze generation thing working.
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17:48 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
[R]: this system won't boot in UEFI mode or I'd dispense with bootloaders entirely and just use EFISTUB
18:30 JustBob [justbob@Nightstar.Customer.Dissatisfaction.Administrator] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
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--- Log closed Mon Feb 22 00:00:40 2016
code logs -> 2016 -> Sun, 21 Feb 2016< code.20160220.log - code.20160222.log >

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