code logs -> 2011 -> Thu, 01 Dec 2011< code.20111130.log - code.20111202.log >
--- Log opened Thu Dec 01 00:00:48 2011
00:45 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
00:47 celmin [celticminst@1AB00B.855209.68E340.9900A4] has joined #code
01:25 Alek [] has quit [[NS] Quit: beroot]
01:30 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
01:31 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
01:33 Alek [] has joined #code
01:40 Stalker [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Into the hole again, we hurried along our way, into a once-glorious garden now seeped in dark decay.]
01:43 Attilla [] has joined #code
02:19 Syloqs-AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Client closed the connection]
02:22 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
02:30 Attilla [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
02:45 cpux [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Well, most things get better when I kick them!]
02:55 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Z?]
03:10 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|afk
03:20 Kindamoody|afk is now known as Kindamoody
03:20 Stalker [] has joined #code
03:24 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
03:28 celmin [celticminst@1AB00B.855209.68E340.9900A4] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The minstrel departs, to spread the music to the masses!]
03:38 * McMartin actually uses cdadr.
03:40 * McMartin is probably a bad person
< McMartin>
But, success
< McMartin>
> (parse-string "y[10] of 5")
< McMartin>
((1 . 1) value (make-array "y" ((1 . 3) int-const 10) ((1 . 10) int-const 5)))
< McMartin>
> (parse-string "x.y[10] of 5")
< McMartin>
1:1: Illegal array constructor
< McMartin>
((1 . 1) value (var-ref "x") (field-ref "y"))
03:43 * Vornicus has no idea what you just did.
< McMartin>
This stupid toy language I'm writing a parser for for practice isn't LL(k)
< McMartin>
I've gotten around that with a little post-processing inside parse-lvalue.
< McMartin>
That post-processing manipulates the lists that are the results (this is Scheme)
< McMartin>
cdadr is a library function operating on pairs of pairs of pairs.
< McMartin>
(define (cdadr x) (cdr (car (cdr x)))), more or less.
< Noah>
McMartin is a man; he wears a top hat. "A very stylish man is here."
< Rhamphoryncus>
.. pairs of pairs of pairs..
04:00 * Vornicus pokes once again at euler 44. Wonders why in god's name he even tried it this way.
< Tamber>
Because it worked?
04:01<~Vornicus> Well, okay, it did, but it's so bad I don't know how it worked or why.
04:02<~Vornicus> I suspect originally I had a non-binary search in here, and then because I needed more speed I added a gallop and some other stuff.
04:23<~Vornicus> I imagine though that I shouldn't have to do this; that there's some lovely equations I can throw together that make finding the answers much easier.
04:28 Reivles [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
04:28 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
04:33<~Vornicus> but in reality I have two degrees of freedom and I do not see any way whatsoever to reduce it to one, so that's not going to be pleasant.
< McMartin>
Rhamphoryncus: Well, literally the only structured data type Scheme has is the heterogeneous pair.
04:33 * Rhamphoryncus should shut up now. No good will come of this. ;)
< Tamber>
Someone please kill me. Kill me to death. Kill me to death until I'm dead of it.
< McMartin>
It does hide it well
< McMartin>
While many Scheme implementations have a define-record construct, (a) those are macros (b) that turn into lists or implementation-specific vectors
< McMartin>
Whether vectors count as "structured" is an entirely different question~
04:36 * Rhamphoryncus repeats his "no good will come of this"
< McMartin>
Do you have something else in mind~
< McMartin>
Or are you just saying that the code is going to be terrible~
< McMartin>
(Also, by "Scheme" here I really mean "R5RS", since that's what this system is based on)
< McMartin>
(Racket may as well be an entirely different language)
< Rhamphoryncus>
I think I should focus on making my own language good rather than on how other languages are bad
< McMartin>
< McMartin>
Half the fun is making single inheritance work by hand >_>
< McMartin>
Because it *totally is*
< McMartin>
Or totally will, once I get to typechecking.
< McMartin>
The language I'm implementing is shit, and I will probably abandon it once I get to the typecheck phase.
< McMartin>
Or put in a totally perfunctory C-source backend.
< Rhamphoryncus>
why do people output C? Why not use LLVM?
< McMartin>
For one, because I have about twelve C compilers and zero LLVM compilers.
< McMartin>
For two, because outputting C is easier, and this toy language isn't worth the effort to write a generator for
< McMartin>
I would literally sooner write a code generator for compiled Commodore BASIC than for this.
< Rhamphoryncus>
< McMartin>
(A continuing side project of mine is to come up with a useful subset of some medium-to-high level language that can be profitably translated to 6502 assembler in a way that can be easily linked against hand-coded stuff)
< McMartin>
(A FORmula TRANslator, if you will, but with better support for structured data types as well)
< Rhamphoryncus>
< McMartin>
Hilariously, it turns out C abstracts stuff out that Pascal doesn't, so Pascal is a better starting point.
< McMartin>
C has no real concept of a bounded loop, and most of the older machines have opcodes that are Better At Those.
< McMartin>
Also, I will say this: Scheme is probably the minimal language you can have that is still usable as a production language.
< McMartin>
Despite the wackiness and the total lack of support for anything intrinsically except for ancient, universal cthonic entities, the compilers are top-notch and you can actually be quite concise while coding complex stuff.
04:54 * Rhamphoryncus nods
04:59 ErikMesoy [] has joined #code
04:59 ErikMesoy|sleep [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
05:19 Stalker [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
05:51 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody
05:59 kwsn is now known as kw-sleep-n
06:10 kw-sleep-n [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
< ToxicFrog>
I still need to really sit down and learn a Lisp. I always get sidetracked back into Lua at some point.
< ToxicFrog>
Maybe I should learn Clojure~
06:14 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
06:15 Reivles [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
06:18 kw-sleep-n [] has joined #code
06:28 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
06:54 Syloqs_AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
06:55 Syloqs_AFH is now known as Syloqs-AFH
07:36 You're now known as TheWatcher
< McMartin>
ToxicFrog: Racket appears to be The Best Scheme.
07:40 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
07:47 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
07:48 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
< Rhamphoryncus>
Damnit, when can't I do a simple language. It's not like rules of object allocation/deletion are potentially complicated or anything. >.>
< TheWatcher>
Bah! Let the programmer figure it out! Real Programmers do their own memory handling!~
< McMartin>
He said language, not runtime. >_>
< McMartin>
Therefore, the obvious solution is "all objects have infinite extent! Runtimes must be garbage-collected."
< TheWatcher>
08:42 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
08:43 You're now known as TheWatcher[afk]
Just allocate all objects at compil-time.
09:06 * Rhamphoryncus pokes at spacechem and wonders how to do "don't fear the reaper" *well*
09:11 Attilla [] has joined #code
09:27 ErikM [NSwebIRC@FA912D.398CEF.7B7F2C.BBBD89] has joined #code
< ErikM>
One of my cow-orkers is experiencing the strangest bug: sometimes hitting the c key on his laptop produces "c", sometimes it produces "b *" instead. Anyone ever heard of anything like it?
< AD[Shell]>
Yes. This may be the product of spilling coffee on the keyboard.
< AD[Shell]>
Solution is to get a new keyboard.
< Rhamphoryncus>
Spilling more coffee may also be the solution
< sshine>
or unspilling it.
10:32 Stalker [] has joined #code
10:35 Rhamphoryncus [] has quit [Client exited]
11:06 kw-sleep-n is now known as kwsn
12:57 kwsn is now known as kws-not-here
13:33 gnolam [] has joined #code
14:18 kws-not-here is now known as kwsn
14:38 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody
14:46 Noah [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
14:47 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
15:04 ErikM [NSwebIRC@FA912D.398CEF.7B7F2C.BBBD89] has quit [[NS] Quit: Going home.]
15:09 You're now known as TheWatcher
15:54 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
16:22 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
16:27 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
16:47 Stalker [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Into the hole again, we hurried along our way, into a once-glorious garden now seeped in dark decay.]
18:11 Stalker [] has joined #code
18:18 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
18:35 maoranma [] has joined #code
21:06 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
21:44 ErikMesoy is now known as ErikMesoy|sleep
< kwsn>
< kwsn>
another project down
< McMartin>
< kwsn>
McMartin: i'll tell you later
22:41 Syloqs-AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [[NS] Quit: ]
22:44 kwsn is now known as kws-not-here
23:05 Rhamphoryncus [] has joined #code
23:05 Syloqs_AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
23:07 Syloqs_AFH is now known as Syloqs-AFH
23:41 cpux [] has joined #code
--- Log closed Fri Dec 02 00:00:03 2011
code logs -> 2011 -> Thu, 01 Dec 2011< code.20111130.log - code.20111202.log >

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