code logs -> 2011 -> Fri, 15 Jul 2011< code.20110714.log - code.20110716.log >
--- Log opened Fri Jul 15 00:00:16 2011
00:10 celticminstrel is now known as celmin|away
00:19 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Z?]
00:21 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
00:28 AbuDhabi [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Sleep.]
< ToxicFrog>
< ToxicFrog>
Paper accepted for publication!
< ToxicFrog>
I am going to be published in the International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing!
< ToxicFrog>
this is the coolest thing ever
00:31 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has joined #code
< Reiver>
Cooler than your wedding?~
< Reiver>
Oh wait Symbols not here that's no fun ??
00:46 You're now known as TheWatcher[T-2]
00:47 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
00:55 celmin|away is now known as celticminstrel
01:11 kwsn [t1gg@31356A.5FD175.47BC3A.7D9E06] has joined #code
01:18 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
02:25 * Derakon eyes his email.
< Derakon>
So okay, Pyro is a Python library for remote objects.
< Derakon>
Now apparently there's Pyrolite, "a lightweight Pyro client library for Java".
< McMartin>
Reminder that Jython exists
03:01 Attilla [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:07 Syloqs_AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
03:08 Syloqs-AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:32 cpux is now known as shade_of_cpux
03:32 Syloqs_AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
03:33 Syloqs_AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
03:34 Syloqs_AFH is now known as Syloqs-AFH
05:20 Derakon [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Leaving]
05:23 Derakon [] has joined #code
05:25 Derakon [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And poof! I am gone.]
05:27 Derakon [] has joined #code
06:26 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
06:26 PinkFreud [WhyNot@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
06:26 PinkFreud [WhyNot@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
06:44 Rhamphoryncus [rhamph@C06FE3.F5723C.BE3FEB.9D4666] has quit [Client exited]
06:51 kwsn is now known as kw\t-2
06:52 * kw\t-2 waves, night all
06:53 kw\t-2 [t1gg@31356A.5FD175.47BC3A.7D9E06] has quit [[NS] Quit: moo]
07:18 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has quit [Connection closed]
07:24 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
07:40 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
08:51 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
09:06 You're now known as TheWatcher
10:08 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has joined #code
10:26 Vornicus [vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection closed]
10:26 Vornicus [vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
11:08 gnolam [] has joined #code
11:28 Attilla [] has joined #code
< gnolam>
Oh. Google Sites has upped its file size limit.
< gnolam>
12:39 AnnoDomini [] has joined #code
12:43 Attilla [] has quit [Client closed the connection]
12:44 Attilla [] has joined #code
15:00 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
15:04 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has quit [Client closed the connection]
15:28 Rhamphoryncus [rhamph@C06FE3.F5723C.BE3FEB.9D4666] has joined #code
17:05 Stalker [] has quit [[NS] Quit: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.]
17:31 Reiver [orthianz@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Client closed the connection]
17:32 Reiver [orthianz@9C034E.E649EA.3194C7.8381A3] has joined #code
18:00 Reiver [orthianz@9C034E.E649EA.3194C7.8381A3] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
18:01 Reiver [orthianz@9C034E.E649EA.3194C7.8381A3] has joined #code
18:03 Stalker [Z@26ECB6.A4B64C.298B52.D80DA0] has joined #code
18:08 AnnoDomini is now known as Zon
18:30 Taki^ [] has joined #code
18:42 Zon is now known as AnnoDomini
19:38 Taki^ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
< McMartin>
My copy of "JavaScript: The Good Parts" came in today: it is smaller than many comic books
< McMartin>
So I skipped ahead to "The Awful Parts" and noticed this included not only "+ can be used for both addition and string concatenation" but "JavaScript floating point is IEEE 754 compliant instead of being BCD"
< McMartin>
This book is not off to a good start
< Tamber>
< Vornicus>
Yeah, no.
< Vornicus>
I personally found JS to be, um, meh. small and simple, does what it needs to, gets out of the way.
21:07 Stalker [Z@26ECB6.A4B64C.298B52.D80DA0] has quit [[NS] Quit: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.]
< Rhamphoryncus>
I found javascript to be batshit insane
< Rhamphoryncus>
iirc, the array/dict combo was a common subject of my ire
< Rhamphoryncus>
oh wait, the array/dict/OBJECT combo
21:30 Stalker [Z@5E691D.FC7C16.9F8D82.35B3CD] has joined #code
< ToxicFrog>
Rhamphoryncus: why is that a problem?
< ToxicFrog>
Vornicus: yeah, the problem with JS is not the language, it's the fact that most of the time you end up working in browser environments.
21:39 Stalker [Z@5E691D.FC7C16.9F8D82.35B3CD] has quit [[NS] Quit: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.]
< McMartin>
I mainly want to learn it because JS is the only prototype-inheritance OO system in actual use
< McMartin>
Unless you count niche systems like Game Maker, and for the purposes of this claim I don't~
< McMartin>
Also, uh, yeah, "objects and dicts are, when you get down to it, basically the same thing" is true in every scripting language I can think of.
< McMartin>
"Arrays are dicts with numbers in them" is rarer but not unheard of - Lua does that too.
22:11 Stalker [Z@2C3C9C.B2A300.F245DE.859909] has joined #code
22:13 celticminstrel is now known as celmin|away
22:17 * TheWatcher readsup
< TheWatcher>
TF: this is why only a complete masochist attempts to use js directly. Mootools, jQuery and the like are popular for a reason
< TheWatcher>
s/directly/without help/ at least
22:21 AnnoDomini [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Sleep.]
< McMartin>
TW: Well, JS is deployed in other environments too.
< McMartin>
It turns out it's secretly Windows's bash.
< TheWatcher>
Huh, this I did not know!
< McMartin>
A whole bunch of COM garbage turns out to be exported as JScript objects, which you can just invoke like methods.
22:33 Vash [] has joined #code
22:46 Vash [] has quit [Client closed the connection]
22:47 Vash [] has joined #code
< Tamber>
Hooray vague documentation.
< Tamber>
"a data structure mirroring the response is returned" Which gives me precisely no additional information whatsoever~
< Tamber>
...well, that was blindingly obvious after the fact. It's a hashref with the same structure as the original XML.
< McMartin>
... how does it distinguish attributes from child nodes?
< Tamber> That's the Data::Dumper output for the structure.
< TheWatcher>
< TheWatcher>
they actually stuck @ in a hash key, why?
23:24 * Tamber shrugs.
< McMartin>
Perl requiring type information on every reference to a variable is one of my least favorite features thereof~
23:25 * Tamber isn't particularly bothered either way. That said, Tamber doesn't find COBOL that bad, so there's definite mental damage. ;)
< TheWatcher>
It's one thing to do it to variables, but to put it in a hash key?
< TheWatcher>
That's just mental, and asking for trouble with inadvertent array interpolation
< McMartin>
I looked at COBOL once, and realized that it was a DSL. As such, all complaints about it fail the first hurdle automatically.
23:37 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody
23:47 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
23:51 celmin|away is now known as celticminstrel
23:54 shade_of_cpux is now known as cpux
< Derakon>
--- Log closed Sat Jul 16 00:00:30 2011
code logs -> 2011 -> Fri, 15 Jul 2011< code.20110714.log - code.20110716.log >

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