code logs -> 2011 -> Sat, 04 Jun 2011< code.20110603.log - code.20110605.log >
--- Log opened Sat Jun 04 00:00:32 2011
00:10 shade_of_cpux is now known as cpux
00:13 You're now known as TheWatcher[T-2]
00:33 cpux [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
00:34 cpux [] has joined #code
00:38 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
01:01 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakn
01:01 Derakn is now known as Derakon
< Alek>
don't suppose someone can help me troubleshoot an interesting firefox thing that popped up today?
01:14 cpux is now known as shade_of_cpux
01:17 Alek [] has quit [[NS] Quit: ]
01:23 Alek [] has joined #code
02:07 Kindamoody [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
02:12 Kindamoody [] has joined #code
02:18 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
02:19 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
02:26 kwsn [kwsn@BAD19E.B5A83A.4A5CD0.6D55BC] has joined #code
02:33 Rhamphoryncus [rhamph@C06FE3.F5723C.BE3FEB.9D4666] has joined #code
02:45 Stalker [Z@26ECB6.A4B64C.298B52.D80DA0] has quit [[NS] Quit: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.]
03:10 gnolam [lenin@9D46A2.F4E9D7.E4B4CF.2072AD] has quit [[NS] Quit: Z?]
03:16 Stalker [] has joined #code
03:32 Attilla [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
< Vornicus>
Why the hell did I pick 10:9 for my ratio when I did my settlers art as opposed to 8:7 which is so close to 60 degrees that the observed error is less than 1 pixel out of 200?
< Kazriko>
because you didn't think that far ahead?
< Vornicus>
But I sat there with it on my list of candidates. I have no idea why I didn't pick it.
< Reiver>
What error is 10:9?
04:23 FurryHelix [] has joined #code
04:23 Tamber [tamber@32231D.3D3757.05B717.E589DB] has quit [Client closed the connection]
< Vornicus>
1 in 60.
04:24 shade_of_cpux is now known as cpux
< Reiver>
Clearly, 1 in 60 sounded good because you were hunting for "60"
< Vornicus>
< Vornicus>
Well, actually, I'm not sure if that's a sensible error description anyway.
< Reiver>
Naw, I realise that :)
< Vornicus>
And while I'm at it, 8:7 works better for certain things i wish to do -- particularly, it lets me tile things more naturally.
< Vornicus>
(because it's 8, it has a more natural quartering distance than 10 does, which is important for doing the tiling.)
< Vornicus>
(actual provocation here is that I got grumpy at my trophy images and then went back and got grumpy at the kind of crap you have to do to place stuff.)
05:10 Stalker [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
< Vornicus>
(and while I was in the neighborhood grumpy at my rakefile which I can't use any more.)
05:31 Vash[Working] is now known as Vash
< Rhamphoryncus>
settlers art? What are you talking about?
< Vornicus>
I built, some time ago, art for a Settlers webgame because I found that all the existing Settlers games on the internet lacked one very important feature: persistence.
< Vornicus>
Settlers of Catan, that is
< Rhamphoryncus>
< Vornicus>
THen I got bogged down in basic rendering code and never got around to going back.
< Vornicus>
Now I look at my art and go "oh that's why it's such a pain, there's absolutely no consistency, I have to code in each object's offsets individually"
< Vornicus>
whereas with a relatively simple "tile" setup eveything's the same size.
06:42 AnnoDomini [annodomini@D553D1.9D4909.49802F.6BDDEC] has joined #code
06:43 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has joined #code
07:20 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
07:23 kwsn is now known as kw\t-2
07:25 kw\t-2 [kwsn@BAD19E.B5A83A.4A5CD0.6D55BC] has quit [[NS] Quit: moo]
08:14 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|noms
08:15 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
08:16 Vash is now known as Vash[Sleeping]
08:18 Vornicus is now known as Vornicus-Latens
08:27 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
08:54 Kindamoody|noms is now known as Kindamoody
09:10 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|afk
< Kazriko>
< TheWatcher[zZzZ]>
As in, you can start, suspend play, and return later, I suspect from context.
10:10 Kindamoody|afk is now known as Kindamoody
10:14 Kindamoody [] has quit [[NS] Quit: 390km to go, great.]
10:55 Attilla [] has joined #code
11:04 You're now known as TheWatcher
11:58 FurryHelix is now known as Tamber
12:10 You're now known as TheWatcher[afk]
13:35 gnolam [] has joined #code
< Vornicus-Latens>
what tw said.
< jerith>
So you don't have to finish a whole game all at once.
< Vornicus-Latens>
But yeah. That angrered me. I wonder if it's still true. I suspect so.
15:43 ToxicFrog [] has quit [Operation timed out]
15:59 ToxicFrog [] has joined #code
15:59 Rhamphoryncus [rhamph@C06FE3.F5723C.BE3FEB.9D4666] has quit [Operation timed out]
16:00 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
16:16 Rhamphoryncus [rhamph@C06FE3.F5723C.BE3FEB.9D4666] has joined #code
< gnolam>
Vornicus-Latens: ?
16:43 AnnoDomini [annodomini@D553D1.9D4909.49802F.6BDDEC] has quit [[NS] Quit: Stuff needs doing.]
< jerith>
gnolam: Persistence, as applied to his reimplementation of web-based Settlers of Catan.
16:48 Tarinaky_ [] has joined #code
16:48 Tarinaky_ [] has quit [[NS] Quit: leaving]
16:48 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has quit [Client closed the connection]
16:51 ToxicFrog [] has quit [Operation timed out]
17:01 AnnoDomini [annodomini@D553D1.9D4909.49802F.6BDDEC] has joined #code
17:03 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
17:09 Reiver [orthianz@9C034E.E649EA.3194C7.8381A3] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
17:10 Reiver [orthianz@9C034E.E649EA.3194C7.8381A3] has joined #code
18:01 celticminstrel [] has quit [Operation timed out]
18:06 celticminstrel [celticminst@1526F6.37AB0D.97233B.788A64] has joined #code
18:47 Kindamoody [] has joined #code
19:02 celticminstrel is now known as celmin|away
19:08 Reiver [orthianz@9C034E.E649EA.3194C7.8381A3] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
19:08 Reiver [orthianz@9C034E.E649EA.3194C7.8381A3] has joined #code
19:36 Vash[Sleeping] is now known as Vash[Working]
20:36 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
20:39 celmin|away is now known as celmin
20:47 celmin is now known as celticminstrel
21:20 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|afk
21:41 cpux_ [] has joined #code
21:42 cpux [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
21:42 cpux_ is now known as cpux
21:48 Rhamphoryncus [rhamph@C06FE3.F5723C.BE3FEB.9D4666] has quit [Client exited]
22:03 Stalker [Z@2C3C9C.B2A300.F245DE.859909] has joined #code
< celticminstrel>
How do I get the pid of the most recently run program in bash?
< celticminstrel>
I need to do something like "program & cat pid >".
< jerith>
$! gives you the pid of the last job run in the background.
< jerith>
Generally, you want the app to write its own pidfile, though.
22:16 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakoen
< celticminstrel>
This is slightly easier. <_<
22:16 Derakoen is now known as Derakon
< jerith>
I think the standard approach is a little wrapper app that writes its pid and then exec()s the target.
22:17 Stalker [Z@2C3C9C.B2A300.F245DE.859909] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
22:18 Stalker [Z@2C3C9C.B2A300.F245DE.859909] has joined #code
22:26 Stalker [Z@2C3C9C.B2A300.F245DE.859909] has quit [Client closed the connection]
22:26 Serah [Z@2C3C9C.B2A300.F245DE.859909] has joined #code
22:35 Kindamoody|afk [] has quit [Client closed the connection]
22:36 Kindamoody [] has joined #code
22:38 kwsn [] has joined #code
23:20 You're now known as TheWatcher
< kwsn> 4_9190907_5535457_n.jpg
23:59 kwsn is now known as kw\blargh
--- Log closed Sun Jun 05 00:00:47 2011
code logs -> 2011 -> Sat, 04 Jun 2011< code.20110603.log - code.20110605.log >

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