code logs -> 2007 -> Fri, 15 Jun 2007< code.20070614.log - code.20070616.log >
--- Log opened Fri Jun 15 00:00:55 2007
00:18 Thaqui [] has joined #code
00:19 mode/#code [+o Thaqui] by ChanServ
< MyCatVerbs>
Hrmn. Okay, stupid question, but... assuming you're working in a statically typed language and you need a list of all the places in your build tree where a particular function is called. Would it be in poor taste to (temporarily) mark that function as being private (in whatever parlance your language provides for such a trick) and then tracking the calls down by the error messages your compiler spits back?
< MyCatVerbs>
(Taking into account all the usual technical caveats to do with abuse of the macro system and "make" halting in the middle of a build rather than blindly pushing on and trying all files.)
Personally I'd just grep for it.
< MyCatVerbs>
Jah, that'd work better. I'm just wondering just how sick and wrong that course of action would be considered if one ever tried it in practice.
Grep, or use a proper IDE.
< MyCatVerbs>
Vornicus: that presumes a language that is actually parsable by tools other than the compiler. See, "Only Perl can parse Perl."
Grep is universal.
< MyCatVerbs>
Except in TCL. ;)
01:04 GeekSoldier_ [] has joined #code
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03:06 ToxicFrog|W`rkn is now known as ToxicFrog
03:33 Thaqui [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
04:24 ChAfk is now known as Chalain
04:26 GeekSoldier_ is now known as GeekSoldier
04:38 Derakon [] has joined #code
04:38 mode/#code [+o Derakon] by ChanServ
Okay, random question time - aside from the wall-crawlers, the Sidehoppers, and the Pirates themselves, what terrestrial (i.e. non-flying) enemies were there in Super Metroid?
The rogue felines.
< GeekSoldier>
there was a sort of puff-mushroom thing, little spikey beetle thing, and (I don't know if they qualify as ground) the manta looking guys that would jump up, and try to land on your head.
The ones that would walk by and step on the SNES 'reset' button because they knew it would get my attention.
04:52 * Derakon snerks at Pi.
I don't know what beetles you're talking about, Geek - did they follow the contours of the terrain?
And I'll qualify the manta guys as ground, since they don't actively defy gravity.
< GeekSoldier>
I think so. little yellow things withthree spikes.
Oh, there's the guys with the tails that would jump on you...forgot about them.
There's a ton of enemies that just follow the contours of the ground, so I'm classifying them all as the same enemy.
< GeekSoldier>
ah, I think the beetles did that.
05:20 GeekSoldier is now known as GS|Ramstein
05:39 Forjadon [] has joined #code
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05:52 Chalain is now known as ChAfk
06:29 ReivClass is now known as Reiver
07:14 You're now known as TheWatcher
07:21 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
07:58 Netsplit DeepThought.NY.US.Nightstar.Net <-> Troika.TX.US.Nightstar.Net quits: @Pi, GS|Ramstein, ChAfk, @Chalcedon, @AnnoDomini, @jerith, @Reiver
07:59 Netsplit over, joins: Chalcedon
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08:01 ReivOut [~reaverta@IRCop.Nightstar.Net] has joined #Code
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08:04 Pi [] has joined #code
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08:04 Reiver [~reaverta@Admin.Nightstar.Net] has joined #Code
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16:58 AnnoDomini [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
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17:09 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
17:11 You're now known as TheWatcher[afk]
17:47 Syloq [Syloq@NetAdmin.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
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18:19 Vornicus is now known as Vornicus-Latens
18:25 You're now known as TheWatcher
18:50 AnnoDomini is now known as Lerhir
21:37 Forjadon [] has joined #code
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21:59 Forjadon [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
22:25 Lerhir is now known as AnnoDomini
22:48 GeekSoldier is now known as GeekSoldier|Sleep
23:09 You're now known as TheWatcher[T-2]
23:12 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
23:32 Thaqui [] has joined #code
23:32 mode/#code [+o Thaqui] by ChanServ
--- Log closed Sat Jun 16 00:00:02 2007
code logs -> 2007 -> Fri, 15 Jun 2007< code.20070614.log - code.20070616.log >